TECH X402 - Scrum Master Certified (SMC) Prep Course
The Scrum Master Certified course covers the fundamentals of Scrum techniques and provides an in-depth understanding of the Scrum framework, the components, roles and processes of Scrum, as well as the intellectual tools needed to implement Scrum in an organization.
Delivery Options
Live Online: A course or program that is delivered virtually in real time using web conferencing software, such as Zoom. You will participate in live class sessions scheduled for specific dates and times, and these sessions may include lecture, group discussion and other learning activities. Readings and assignments might be completed outside of scheduled class time.
Time to Completion
This course will take 16 hours to complete.
Course sessions are 4 hours in length, and occur over 4 consecutive days.
Course Completion Requirements
To complete this course, learners are expected to complete all exercises assigned and score 80% on the practice exam.
Technology Requirements
Reliable internet connection.
The recommended browser for taking this course is Google Chrome or Firefox.
What You'll Learn
- Be able to guide and teach Scrum practices to everyone involved in the project, remove obstacles for the team and ensure that Scrum steps are being followed.
- Get a comprehensive understanding of the Scrum philosophy and principles.
- Obtain a practical knowledge of Scrum, including roles, meetings, and artifacts.
- Be comfortable implementing Scrum in the organizations as well as managing common issues and roadblocks.
What You'll Earn
- A Scrum Master Certified (SMC) Prep Course completion award.
- A voucher to take the SMC certification exam.
Additional Information
The cost of the course includes three attempts at the certification exam. After successful completion of the course, you will receive a voucher to arrange your proctored examination.
Contact Us
For questions about the enrollment process, payment options, technology, or course records, please submit an inquiry and our Enrollment Support team will assist you within 24 hours during business days.